Take the Assessment Step 1 of 6 - Your Info 0% Name(Required) First Last Organization(Required) Please briefly describe your ministry role at your church or organization:(Required) How often would you say that you encounter questions and/or conversation on sexuality in your ministry role?(Required) Rarely, if ever. Occasionally (monthly) Regularly (weekly) Very often (daily) Other How important do you feel it is to be trained in a biblical framework for sexuality for your ministry to be effective?(Required) It is not relevant to my ministry. It is somewhat important to my ministry. It would be useful for my ministry. It is crucial for my ministry. Other Section One: Ministry Culture This section assesses the overall culture of your ministry organization and leadership.What level of willingness does your leadership team have in engaging in discussion about sexual brokenness and wholeness?(Required) Unwilling Somewhat willing Willing Very Willing I am not sure. What level of willingness does your oversight team (board members, elders, etc.) demonstrate?(Required) Unwilling Somewhat willing Willing Very Willing I am not sure. How common is it for staff members or volunteers to admit to personal struggles such as loneliness, marriage issues, pornography, or the impact of sexual trauma?(Required) Not common Somewhat common Common Very common I am not sure. What resources are available for staff members or key volunteers who are struggling? (check all that apply)(Required) Counseling Referral Pastoral Counseling Discipleship Specialized Small Groups (recovery groups, accountability groups, and/or sexuality study focused) Support Groups (Celebrate Recovery, Re:Generation, Sex Addicts Anonymous, etc.) Retreats Personal Leave/Sabbatical I am not sure. How often is sexuality addressed in general teaching formats (sermons, conferences, small groups, etc.)?(Required) Rarely addressed Somewhat addressed (maybe once quarterly) Generally often (at least once monthly) Often (more than once monthly) If the subject of sexuality arises in a preaching passage, how might your pastor(s) address it from the pulpit?(Required) The pastor(s) would likely not address the subject. The pastor(s) may address the subject briefly. The pastor(s) would address it, but might lack nuance on the subject. The pastor(s) would spend time on the subject addressing the whole Body with biblical clarity. I am unsure how our pastor(s) would approach the subject at the pulpit. What percentage of your church community do you believe needs a comprehensive view of biblical sexuality?(Required) 100% 75% 50% 25% 10% The primary emphasis in how our organization addresses biblical sexuality is:(Required) the Bible's teaching about sexual sin and immorality. teaching the beauty of God’s created design for male, female, marriage, and singleness. responding to cultural issues involving sexuality (abortion, LGBT, pornography) integrating sexual issues into what it means to follow Jesus as Lord. Please briefly describe your church or organization's approach to biblical sexuality. Consider areas of strength and opportunities for growth.(Required) What do you perceive to be significant barriers to open conversations about sexual brokenness and wholeness at your church or organization? (Select all that apply)(Required) History of silence on sexuality within the ministry No place to seek help for those who come forward with struggles Leaders have their own struggles Too many other ministry priorities Sexuality perceived as a “special issue” that doesn’t belong in your ministry Fear of losing members or donations Fear of offending people General sense of feeling ill-equipped to address sexual issues A reluctancy to be genuine or transparent Section Two: Level of Preparedness This section assesses your organization's approach to training leaders, staff, and members.How many classes and/or specific training have you attended to help you address sexuality within your ministry context?(Required) 0 - 1 2 - 3 4 or more Does your church or organization plan to provide classes and/or specific training to help you address sexuality within your ministry context?(Required) Yes, there are plans in process. No, there are no plans in process. Not currently, but we would like to develop plans. I am not sure. Rate your comfort level (1-5) in explaining:Why God created people as sexual(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 The purpose of sexual intimacy within marriage(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 The purpose of sexuality for single Christians(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 The spiritual issue beneath the sexual struggle(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 How a struggler might pursue sexual integrity(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 Whether your current role encounters these various situations or not, please respond as if you were to encounter them in your ministry. A sexless marriage(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 A Christian stuck in sexual addiction(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 A Christian teenager exploring a “non-binary” identity(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 A gay couple pursuing a relationship with Christ(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 A person recovering from marital infidelity(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 Our church or organization has provided clear direction to staff and volunteers for addressing acute LGBT issues (regarding issues of church membership, available resources and/or ministries, providing a welcoming environment, counseling referrals, etc.)(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 Our church or organization has internal documents (written policy, position paper, by-laws, etc.) that give clear direction to staff and volunteers for handling situations of possible sexual abuse.(Required) Yes No Unsure This section assesses where your organization is implementing offerings to address biblical sexuality. Please check all that apply:(Required) We have a sermon series on sexuality planned within the next twelve months. We have an opportunity for people to learn about biblical sexuality planned within the next 12 months. We currently have (or refer to) specific groups helping men battle sexual sin. We currently have (or refer to) specific groups helping women battle sexual sin. We currently have (or refer to) specific groups helping women deal with betrayal. Our junior high and high school ministries are using resources to help students navigate sexual challenges. We have an opportunity for parents to learn how to navigate sexual issues within the next 12 months. Our married couples have the opportunity to study biblical sexuality in marriage within the next 12 months. Singles feel fully integrated into the church family and/or ministry rather than siloed members of the community. It is normal within our ministry for lay people to ask about and address sexual integrity within discipleship relationships. We have someone on our ministry team who keeps our ministry updated on current resources and needs related to sexuality. At least once a quarter, someone from our ministry publicly shares a testimony demonstrating sexual healing and integrity. We have an updated list of counselors, resources, and ministries available for those who need help for trauma, abusive marriages, infidelity, and other areas of sexual pain and brokenness. Is there any other information you feel is important to include in this assessment of your church or organization? Thank you for completing this assessment! Please provide an email below where we may send your results. Email(Required) 69600Δ